CCProxy is an application that can be used to help users create their own proxy server and Internet connection using a local area network.
While creating a proxy server using CCProxy, users are provided with access to a variety of management features, such as Internet access control, and Web filtering. This operation is quite simple: all the users should do is add the client's IP, by accessing the Count Manager panel from the main screen. Another noteworthy aspect of the program is the fact that it facilitates communication among the clients who are using the proxy server, making it possible for them to send instant messages to one another, by using the Online Monitor panel.
As far as the account management aspect is concerned, CCProxy offers complex control functions, allowing the managers of the proxy servers to determine who will have access to the Internet through their respective server, what type of authentication they grant to each client, how much on-line time they allow for each client, and many more. They are even able to select what sites they provide access for, which sites the server will block, or whether they limit the bandwidth available for particular clients.
To conclude with, CCProxy proves to be a powerful tool for creating and administering proxy servers, granting users access to a wide variety of management functions that control the accounts of their clients in detail.